The company will highlight new surgical innovations and artificial intelligence (AI) tools for retinal patient care at Euretina 2024 and help doctors diagnose and treat patients efficiently and effectively.
To help its customers make the move from on-premises IT infrastructure to the cloud, Vaisala is launching a scalable cloud version of its trusted viewLinc Continuous Monitoring Software.
Toulouse, France - September 3, 2024 – Quickparts France, a leading provider of advanced manufacturing solutions, is thrilled to announce its upcoming roadshow in Toulouse on October 1st, 2024.
Data protocols are constantly evolving to enable interoperability and reliable transfer of increasing amounts of data at the highest speeds between more and more connected devices. To address this technological challenge, Fischer Connectors is expanding its platform capabilities to meet the most demanding connectivity requirements for high-speed data transfer using the USB 3.2 Gen 2 protocol up to 10 Gbit/s.
The opening of the new building marks a significant milestone in the trajectory of ams OSRAM to establish itself as a pioneer in the field of medical and industrial imaging.
The first cloud-native intraoral scanning solution can help practices expand their treatment offerings, save time in daily workflows, and deliver enhanced care and comfort to their patients.
Under the agreement, the partners will develop AI-driven solutions to predict radiotherapy system performance issues that could lead to delays in the management of patients treated at the Oncopole.