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Keyence UK

Versatility of VHX-7000 Brings Academic and Commercial Benefits to Leading UK University

World-leading microscopic technology from KEYENCE is enabling a major UK research institution to carry out highly detailed observation, analysis and measurement on projects in fields ranging from microbiology and invertebrate biology to mycology, forensic science and geological thin section analysis.

IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH

Vertebra by vertebra

Optical spine and posture analysis with uEye industrial cameras

Keyence UK

Keyence VHX-7000 4K digital microscope helps archaeologists improve their understanding of the ancient world

The Archaeology Department of the University of Liverpool has carried out two ground-breaking projects that have improved our understanding of how human culture developed in ancient times. Playing a key role in that research has been the Keyence VHX-7000 Series Digital Microscope, the world's first 4K ultra-high accuracy microscope.

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